Wednesday, October 6, 2010

You all want me bald eh?!

I see that according to my poll 80% of you think I should buzz my head:) haha well see my Surgery date is Oct 21st and I won't know until Oct 19th what the Dr is doing. If he plans to do a crainiectomy (where they remove a piece of your skull) I will have my whole head buzzed. However if they are just drilling into my skull like a little burrow hole I won't be doing that! It just all depends on what I hear will happen on the 19th! And as long as they don't keep keep me on the 19th and I come home for 1 day I will let you know here on the 20th what I plan to do!

On a crappier note (I know what's crappier than the prospect of getting your skull cracked open?!) My Seizures are becoming more frequent and I hate it. I've had 9 of them in the last 48hrs and it sucks. Oh and my Family Dr is away for 2 weeks and my NeuroSurgeon is away for 1 week so I can't even consult either of them in regards to the Seizures. I guess I could call my NeuroSurgeons office and leave a message with his Secretary and she could track him down but geez! They put me on new meds, tell me they want to crack my head open and he and my Family Dr leave lol You just gotta wonder! ;)

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