Friday, October 29, 2010

and im off

okay so im trying to write this post all by mselr so please forgive the many mistakes i am going to make!

using the computer was a suggested part of ewhab for my brain. Im having my good moments and my bad, my painful momnts and not so painful ones. yesterday i went to the hospital by ambulance because it was hurting yo brethe. they did a bunch of tests for blood blots, hert attack, pnemonia, etc and they all came back negative. TodY IVE DONE THERAPY BUT HAVE MORE TO DO. THE HARD PART IA PUSHING YOURSELF TO DO IT WHEN ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS REST. FOR NOW IM HEADING OFF, YOU ALL TAKE IT EASY K? I GET MY STITCHES OUT MONDAY SO HOPEFULLY THAT WILL MAKE ME FEEL A BIT BETTER TOO.


  1. Yeah, so. In case anybody thinks that was me, it wasn't. Tara did it all herself, including one more-successful-than-it-appears edit. Be proud of her, folks. I certainly am.

  2. YAY Tara!! :) Glad to hear you are doing a bit better! :) I miss talking to you and hope we can talk soon!!! When you get your stitches out ask Feral to go in with you and just talk to you randomly. When I had my stitches out it helped to have Mom in there to talk to to distract me. Keep on going Missy!! I look forward to hearing more :)
