Sunday, October 17, 2010

Damn you Horatio!

Ya know there are a few things that I had wanted to do within the last week and upcoming week that I never made plans to do. In July I was sitting around with my family making plans to attend Oktoberfest in Kitchener this year but as we were sitting around looking at area hotels and tickets to events I pipe up and say, "ya know that's such a while away anything can happen let's just wait until later and see." And than there was Roch Voisine playing at Brock University, a mere 10 minutes from my house and oh how I love me some Roch! But yet again I didn't buy those tickets, and than there is The Dalai Lama. When I heard that the Dalai Lama would be making his way to Toronto and speaking there my Hubby and I wanted to go and see him, but again I hummed and hawed about it and never got tickets to the event. Well it seems that my "Spidey Sense" was in full gear at thhose times because Oktoberfest just wrapped up yesterday, Roch Voisines Concert is this Thursday and the Dalai Lama is in Toronto on Friday. Yep, my surgery is smack dab in the middle of it all, well almost. lol I guess you just "know" things and have to trust your innerself sometimes such as I did when I was literally turned away from the clinic. *sighs*

Well, my surgery is in 5 days now and the nerves are finally starting to rattle a bit. I had 2 Seizures yesterday after being almost 10 days seizure free *grrrr* I'm more scatterbrained than one can imagine and my muscles are tense in my neck and shoulders. Blah. I think it's just the nerves because the "big day" is coming up. Oh that and Horatio knows that his days are numbered so he's trying to do what he can while he's still here. For now I'm taking my pills and vitamins religiously like a good girl and trying to stay healthy, well as healthy as I can with a tumor on my brain:) So you guys take it easy ok? And I'll try to do the same.


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