Saturday, October 2, 2010

New Meds are kicking my butt!

Friday was the first day of my new Medication that the NeuroSurgeon put me on to help control the Seizures I've been having and they are severely kicking my butt. I was told they will make me drowsy and dizzy but boy is that an understatement! Each time I took them they knocked me out within a half an hour and I mean stone cold knocked out, good thing I only take the pills twice daily! I'm irritated though because my Surgeons office called me 3 times today on both the home phone and my cell phone and I didn't hear either phone ring that's how out of it I was. According to the voicemail left apparently my Surgeon wanted to talk to me before he went away for a week so that I'm not left stewing until he returns. His secretary said that it isn't Terribly Urgent but that he'll try to call me Monday morning before he leaves. I'm hoping this means good news like, "oh it is cystic and we just don't want you worrying" kind of thing, that would be nice! But now I have to wait until Monday morning. Grr, Grr I say lol


  1. Hi Tara, apart from zonking you out, are the meds taking care of your Seizures? It's certainly not difficult to understand why you are irritated. Not knowing must be sheer hell and waiting a curse! I would guess that they don't think it's life-threatening otherwise the case for urgency would be, well... URGENT, lol. This can only be good news, right? Now meanwhile you are in my thoughts and I'll be checking in to read your updates... be good. ;) ~T

  2. Hey Tony! :) I actually had a Seizure today which is the first one I've had since being on the medication. It was the same as normal so I'm not sure what the medication is suppose to do lol I think I need to talk to my Dr about that. Like is it suppose to eliminate them, dull them down, make them less often, make them less intense, etc. And you are right, the fact they are proceeding with caution, thus taking some time at least gives me hope that it isn't imminent.

    These pills are crazy tho! I woke up this morning at around 7:30am and took my pill at 9:30am. I was back asleep by 10:15am and slept through until about 6pm. It sucks but it totally knocks me out. Thank you Tony I appreciate it:)
