Thursday, October 14, 2010

7 Days!

Well I'm 7 days away from Surgery and I've actually been 8 days Seizure Free! Yay! I'm battling what I think is just a viral infection at the moment so I'll be sucking back hot tea, chicken noodle soup and some vitamin C caplets. I can't be sick or else they will push my surgery date back and I don't want that! I'm also positive that it's just a viral infection and they don't give antibiotics for that so it's good ole fashioned home remedies for the next week!

**Edit** I actually ended up going to the clinic and the Dr gave me antibiotics. He said that he beleives it's just a viral infection but since I've been battling it a few days and since I have major surgery coming up that he'll put me on some antibiotics.

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