Monday, October 18, 2010

And now it happens so fast

Now that the wait is almost over, everything is happening so fast! Tomorrow (Tuesday) I will be meeting with my NeuroSurgeon to go over the details about the surgery, he suggested the appointment so that I can have my many questions addressed. Hey, if someones going to be cracking into your head you are going to have a lot of questions! And the next day (Wednesday) I have to be at the Hospital for noon for a CT Scan, then it's onto the Surgeons office to sign my life away, I mean paperwork lol and straight from there I go to my Pre-Op to be poked and prodded. And then of course the following day is THE BIG DAY! Thursday! It's my surgery day! Really you'd think by all of these exclamation points that I'm excited to have people poking around my brain and I'm not haha I'm just hoping that it will be the start of a new chapter, that it will stop the seizures, that once whatever it is gets biopsied that there is good news attached to it. Really I just want it done and over with and to start to move on with my life. I feel like my life has been on hold for the past 2 or so months with the appointments, the waiting, etc. It's sucked big time.

Oh and when I spoke to the Surgeons office today I was told that I'm the first in the OR that day and thus if all goes well I should be home by Sunday or Monday. That's good right?! Only 3 days in the hospital would be nice. My surgery is 8am on Thursday and I have to be at the Hospital no later than 6:30 in the morning to be admitted which means we are on the road at 4:30am. Argh lol I guess I won't be going to bed the night before, there really is no point!

Anyways, that's all for now folks. Not a lot of waiting to be had at this point and I'm sure the next 3 days will just fly by. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm nervous? I'm totally requesting drugs at the hospital LOL

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