Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some Improvements!

I haven't wrote a blog in a bit but that's mainly because I've been resting a lot and trying to get myself back into the real world all at the same time. Some good news to report however is that even though my Opthamologist said I would have perminant damange to my perifrial vision I was sitting on the couch last week and was able to see my cat that was on the top of the couch to my right using perifrial vision! So while it may be slowly improving at least it's improving! That and my Double vision is becoming less frequent and previously I wasn't able to lift my right eyebrow or lid and I am able to do it slightly! So a few improvements even though some are small and slow they are at least heading in the right direction!

I've been out shopping a few times and it seems to tire me out easily but little by little I'm trying to integrate myself back into society. My Surgeons appointments today was rescheduled for Dec since he was need in Emergency Surgery but I do have an MRI scheduled for Friday in Hamilton and then with my Family Dr on Monday and hopefully get my last stitch out because it's been hurting like hell. After that I meet with the Cancer Centre on Dec 2 to learn the results of the Genetic Marker Tests and to see what my Treatment will be and schedule for that as well and then I meet with my Surgeon on Dec 3. I have an appointment in the new year to meet with an Endocrinologist in the new year I beleive a Dietician as well. So there are a lot of appointments ahead and some more tests to be done but I'm muddling through.


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