Monday, November 1, 2010

1 more week

I went to my family Drs today to get my stitches and staples removed but he said that it looked like there was fresh liquid around the stitches so he wanted to leave them another week. In the big sheme of things it makes no difference really but I was hoping they'd be out today. I guess it's better though that he be more cautious than just jump into taking them out. I'm also waiting on the Pahtology results as well. I called my Surgeon today and he wasn't available and my Family Dr said he hadn't recieved any Pathology results so it's possible they just aren't in right now. Again we wait lol it seems to be the thing I do anymore, just wait. Other than that however I do seem to be getting around better. With being in the house I can walk some straight lines without the assistance of a cane, that's of course because it's familiar territory, but baby steps, one day at a time.


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