Thursday, November 4, 2010

The next step

I received alot of information this morning and I'll be honest in saying I'm still trying to comprehend it all. Here is the nitty gritty: Horatio was a low grade malignant tumor and on a grade scale of 1-4 he was a 2. A grade 1 tumor is benign and therefore a grade 2 tumor has equal non cancerous
and cancerous cells and it isn't a fast growing tumor. Actually when asked how long my tumor had been growing the Dr said at it's size and rate of growth it had been growing for at least 10 or more years.
Onto what to do about it: I had bloodwork done today to determine whether or not I have a specific chromosone in my body that would allow me to take a chemo pill. This pill is specific for brain tumors and I actually have a neighbor that is on a chemo pill for her luekemia and it's suppose to be alot less harsh on
your body than traditional chemotherapy. Once they review my MRI that I will be getting done on Nov 26 they will at that time determine what radiation will do as well. The bottom line is that because of my age and general health they want to attack this aggressively and although at the end of the day it is my choice what to do they want to go at it full force with radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Now, again I'm REALLY hoping that I have the right chromosones for the pill treatment because it will be a lot less harsh on my body. That's it for now really,
I just have a lot of appointments coming up in the next 4 weeks and meeting with many spcialists as well. Keep smilin, that's what I'm telling myself.



  1. Tara darling, you're gonna lick this thing because that's what strong women do. They fight to overcome many obstacles and you will beat it. This is just one little chapter in your book of life which l am certain will have thousands of chapters and will be written over a period l'm guessing of at least the next 60 years :) Hang in there and remember, this to shall pass. l am here if you need me for anything. l love ya girl and bless you and your courage xoxo

    Donna Doodle :)

  2. keep smiling :)
    that's the right approach
    hang in there

    feral #2

  3. Thank you bot. It won't be an easy journey I'm sure but as long as I have amazing family and friends to lean on along the way I'm sure I will be just fine. And btw, "DiamondDave" sounds like a cheesey 80's wrestler name LOL ;)
