Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stitches & Staples are out

I went to my Drs yesterday to get my staples & stitches out and all but 1 stubborn stitch is gone! I can't tell you how much better my head feels, but that one stitch is causing a significant amount of pain too! It honestly felt like barbed wire was being pulled from my head when the Dr was pulling it out, not the best feeling I tell ya. But the good thing is that this evening I will be able to take a warm damp cloth to my head to losen the dried blood and iodine and should that go fine without any issues I can FINALLY wash my hair!!! Who knew something as simple as washing your hair could excite you lol I am suppose to get some bloodwork today but I'm not sure I'll get out in time to do that and I might end up doing it tomorrow, but Thursday I meet with my Opthamologist to see about the vision in my right eye and see what we can do to restore that. One day at a time, that's how I'm taking things.


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