Saturday, November 6, 2010

This has all been a whirlwind

I was visiting with my girlfriend Cody tonight when it hit me: So much has happened in such a small amount of time. It was Aug 18 when I had my first "episode" that I later found out was a seizure and it was Aug 23 that I first went to my Dr because I was concerned about these "episodes". It has been a mere 10 weeks since I had my first seizure, gone through a battery of tests, had major surgery to remove a tumor from my brain and learn that I have Cancer. That's right, it's been a mere 10 weeks that all of this has happened in, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Yes it's good the Drs were on the ball and found out what was wrong and acted upon it and it probably is good that I haven't been left to stew in my juices and worry but at the same time I haven't been able to comprehend everything that's happened.
Everything has just happened so fast. I'm only 30 years old,been only married 3 years this December and was at a point of trying to sort out my life and BAM! I'm hit with a new reality: I have Cancer. This is no longer "someone elses" disease, it's mine and like it or not I have now become a part of a statistic. Can a person truly understand the full reality of that? I don't think you can, but what I do know however is that I will fight this with everything in me and then some. I come from a family of fighters and anyone that knows me knows that I can rumble with the best of them. Hopefully my spunk and fight will serve me well with this new development in my life. Yes I have Cancer, but Cancer will NOT have me. And I won't let it define me.


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