Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And so you have Cancer...

I spoke to my Surgeon today and he said that the Pathology results came back and that as he suspected my Brain Tumor was a low grade tumor, when I asked whether that meant it was malginant or benign he simply said that doesn't matter to him. lol nice eh? He didn't mean it as he said it I'm sure haha but still, I did comment to my Mom later that ya know it would be bad phone manners to simply call and say "so you have cancer, have a great day" LOL From what I know of Malignant/Benign tumors and such and the very little I researched online (hey I don't need to go crazy!!) a low grade tumor simply means it has more normal than abnormal cancer cells, it's more predictable and usually doesn't spread. I do see my Family Dr on Monday and he will have the results as well so any more specific questions I have right now I will ask him.

I have an appointment on Nov 11 with an Otpthamologist to see about my vision issues in my right eye and I also have to wait for a phone call from the Cancer Centre to meet with them. That's all for now folks!

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