Friday, December 3, 2010

It's been a rough few days

This week has been far from a good week for me that's for sure. I went to my Family Dr Monday and got my final stitch out and you wouldn't beleive how much better my head felt after having that tiny little stitch out! My Dr gave me the stitch and I have it in a tiny bag at home:) He put me on some new medication for my Diabetes and well that medication didn't agree with me. I unfortunately suffered most of the side effects which were not pleasant to say the least but once I stopped taking that medication I started feeling alot better.

I ended up cancelling my appointment with my Oncologist and NeuroSurgeon though because there was no way I was hitting the highway with how I was feeling.I was feeling somewhat better until the right side of my face started to puff up and was warm to touch! My face was really inflammed and I was in severe pain running along my jawline, teeth and around my right eye. The only relief is placing an ice pack on my cheek which helps bring the inflammation down but within minutes of removing the ice pack it gets inflammed again. Having had many sinus infections before I thought that perhaps that's what it was so I went to the Drs who said it could be a sinus infection but he suspects that it's a bacterial infection on the underside of my cheek :( My Hubby asked him if it could be related to my surgery and he said it would be hard to say. Sure an infection could have set in at any stitch, scab, opening to my head etc, you really couldn't tell.

Long story short he placed me on an antibiotic and I need to follow up with my Dr Tuesday to see how it's coming along. I hope the meds work because painkillers aren't and only an ice pack will help right now which gets pretty cold this time of year! Oh well, yet another bump in the rd to deal with.


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