Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Surgeons Appointment tomorrow

So I meet with my Surgeon tomorrow for the first time since my surgery, this will be my first post-op appointment and hopefully the last time I see this man again. nothing against him, he's a great surgeon, but I'm hoping I'm done with Horatio. My appointment tomorrow however is weather permitting as it's been crazy out on the highways! I also meet with my Oncologist for the first time on Thursday and that's a big day for me, that's the day I find out about Chemo and Radiation. I'm king of nervous as well because we will be going over my latest MRI results as well and I was told previously that something showed up on the MRI we just weren't sure what it was but I guess Thursday I'll find out.

~Breathe~ That's really all I can keep telling myself and all I can do.


1 comment:

  1. praying for you my friend! LOVE YOU LOTS...hang in there!!!
