Friday, December 17, 2010

Just to clear up a few questions you may have

Goodmorning all! I just wanted to write a blog post to address some questions that have been asked and seem to be floating around in peoples minds about what is going
on with me. I didn't really clarify some things in my post yesterday so I will today.

Q) What kind of tumor did you have?
A)The type of tumor that I had was called a Mixed Glioma which specifically is a Brain Tumor and has a mixture of 2 types of Cancer cells, some bad, some not and there is no way to tell which cells are dominant and which cells remained in the tissue which is why I will be doing observation to keep a close eye on them.

Q) Will you need any further treatment?
A)At this point no, nowever because I am in Observation we will be able to watch the cells and see what they are doing and should the cancer cells misbehave and start to regroup with other cells and start to form a new tumor they can catch it at hopefully the start of formation and I would at that point need further treatment. But as long as the cancer cells mind their own business & don't try to make friends, I won't need any further treatment.

Q) What about the Chemo pill?
A)I was told that I do not have the genetic markers to be able to take the chemo pill so if at any point I need further treatment I will be placed on Radiation first and then Chemotherapy. If I would have had the marker to take the pill as pure precautionary in conjunction with observation I would have been taking that now as well because it is easy on the body.

Q) And why the difference between the 2 Drs Wed & Thurs??
A)GREAT QUESTION! You can only imagine how stunned we were when the Dr at the Cancer Centre said what he did and I was quick to question him as well considering what I was told the day before. The information I recieved Wed came from the Chief of Staff at the Hospital. While he was looking at my latest MRI, he was doing so without having my initial MRI with him to compare them both and without having been the person performing my surgery. So really he was assuming how much was recovered during the operation. When I brought this up to the Dr at the Cancer Centre Thurs he simply said that he is going by Pathology and their findings. Keep in mind that Pathology not only compares MRIS they also examine the removed tumor and inspect it. So they are able to determine what was removed alot more accurately than someone looking at an MRI. Plus something did show up on the MRI, that was the Fiberous Tissues!

Q) How am I feeling?
A) I'm a mixed bag of emotions right now. I feel excited, happy and relief but's a cautious relief. It's been a very hard 4 months and my emotions have been jerked around constantly. What I do know is that I have been able to reflect on alot of things these past 4 months and what I once thought important seems to be so far from that. I appreciate the love and support and prayers of my family and friends you guys are amazing! I really doubt I would have faired as well as I have if I didn't have you all rallying around me.

In the New Year I will be meeting with Dieticians and Endocrinologists to help in the study between Diabetes and Cancer. Hey if I can help with something that's never a bad thing.
And in the New brings a new Lifestyle. I've been reading alot of books on Cancer and the connection between our Dietary habits in the Western World and how it feeds cancer cells, so the New Year brings change. When I left the Cancer Centre yesterday the Dr shook my hand and said, "Okay you're not sick, go and Enjoy your Christmas", and I plan to do exactly that! And I hope you all will as well.

Lots of Love

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