Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2 months ago today....

2 months ago today I had my Operation to remove my Brain Tumor, I really can't beleive it. I can't beleive that this whole journey started a mere 5 months ago, it's been a very emotional and trying 5 months. I've made a lot of progress as well which is good, for starters I don't use my cane at all and haven't for a few weeks now, and my perifrial vision that my Opthamologist said I would probably never regain, well guess what? While it isn't back fully in both eyes I've regained most in my right eye and some in my left!

And ask me about a month ago what my day consisted of and I'd have told you that I was up early in the morning to take my pills and took many naps during the day and not much else. I'd jump online to check emails but that really was about it. Not being able to bend over or carry anything over 10 lbs because of the surgery has unforutunately limited me in things I can do around the house and I had no desire to leave the house, so if I wasn't at an appointment I was probably home napping.

Well as you may know I recieved some good news last week and that definately brightened my mood and lifted my spirits. I went 2 days in a row this week with no naps at all after having been out those days and today I napped only once. But today also consisted of cleaning around the house, wrapping gifts and getting things ready for Holiday visitors. I know it may seem like nothing to someone reading this but to me it's a HUGE thing. The fact that not only am I able to do these things but have the energy and desire to do so is a huge step in the right direction. I've been using a grab stick of sorts which allows me to pick things up without bending over so it's been a great tool for me!

Physically the only real discomfort I have and have had all along is on the right side of my head, big surprise I know lol But it's tender to the touch on the top right hand side which my Surgeon said is due to the fact that they cut the nerves during operation and it takes a while for them to heal after they reattach them. That and I get a pressure from time to time right above my right ear that feels like something is trying to push my skull out, it's uncomfortable when it happens and more annoying than anything but I just take some pain pills and take a nap and hope that when I awake it's gone and it usually is. I'm also quite sensative to white, you read that right: White. I'm sensative to light but white especially. If I'm looking at the computer where the screen is mostly white or in the car and looking at the snow on the ground or reading a book or magazine that has white pages I can't do it for too long because it hurts.

Considering however what I've been through I think these are very small things that hopefully in time will get better anyways.


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