Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goodbye 2010!!!!

To say that this past year has been a rollarcoaster ride is quite frankly an understatement. I can not wait to get this year behind me and move into a brand new year, with a better bill of health, a new outlook and attitude and move forward. The last 5 months in particular have been my own personal hell. In 5 short months I went from having very odd sensory things happening to me, to a bunch of tests being done and subsequently finding out that I had a large cancerous tumor on the right front temporal lobe of my brain that had probably been growing for more than 10 years. Talk about having your world rocked. And of course I can't forget being wheeled into the Operating Room at Hamilton General to have that nasty thing removed on October 21, 2010, that was a Thursday morning and I was home by Monday! My progess has been better than expected, and I recieved my Christmas Miracle on Dec 16 when I visited the Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton to discuss my ongoing treatment only to be told that my Surgeons got the whole tumor and therefore I would be put into observation to have MRI's done as the Neurologist said, "until your grey". What a relief and a blessing all rolled into one. And I know that my continued health and wellbeing lies in my hands. While going through the battery of tests I did and during recovery I read alot about Cancer and I learned quite a bit. The 2 things that Cancer loves and feeds off of is Refined Sugar and White Flour, so as I leave 2010 behind I also leave those foods behind. I will be adopting a Whole Grain Diet, avoiding White Sugar, Aspratame and White Flour and making sure I get my moderate exercise daily. Hey, if I don't look out for myself and my health, who will?

So I hope that most of you who read this haven't been through your own Personal Hell like I have this year but even if you have I'd like to say this: Tomorrow is another day, Chin up and carry on! Leave 2010 behind you and look forward to a new day.



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