Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My NeuroSurgeon and my Ovaries?

I had the first of what will be many visits at McMaster Hospital in Hamilton today and met with a Nurse practitioner to go over my Medical History, get some bloodwork done and partake of the ever dreaded peeing in a cup. Speaking of peeing in a cup I want to know why they don't make those cups a little more "female friendly" for us girls that have to squat! Anyways I was quite surprised when the nurse said to me, "did you know that Dr. Kachur requested you be tested for PCOS?", I wasn't aware of this request and kind of confused by it too. For those that may not know or remember, Dr. Kachur is the Head NeuroSurgeon that performed my operation and why he's requesting tests to be done on my Ovaries to check for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is beyond me lol. I know that when I was wheeled into the Operating room I asked the Surgical Team if they all had their morning coffees and they had (hey it was an early operation I wanted to make sure they were awake!) and they made sure that I hadn't had a cup of joe though and I really needed one! But I also told them to feel free to do what they want to me once I was knocked out, I'm thinking that may not have been the best thing;) I can't make the connection between a Brain Tumor and my ovaries so I find it quite entertaining to say the least.

So now aside from my many other appointments at McMaster I must return to undergo an Ultrasound *sighs*


  1. PCOS? Seriously? I have that and I have no idea why your neuro thinks you may have it hmm You don't have lower voice or facial hair do you? (I've never met you in person so I wouldn't know :P) Cuz maybe he suspected that since they are signs of PCOS

  2. Well Krista I'm not a deep voiced hairy girl LOL What I was thinking is maybe as a NeuroSurgeon and performing as many surgeries as he does that maybe knowing I'm Diabetic he's seen a trend and therefore figured I should be tested. Meh no big deal I, I have an appointment at McMaster for an Ultrasound on February 11 to see if I have any cysts on my Ovaries too. More tests, yay! lol
