Thursday, January 20, 2011

3 months

It's been 3 months since my surgery, yep just 3 months. Alright who is sick of me saying "it's been..." every month? lol Well guess what? I don't care! Seriously, each day is a gift and each month is a milestone for me. I've continued to do well, infact better than my Drs have thought which is good. My only real issue that I still have from the surgery is that I still do have double vision but it isn't a constant thing and it does come and go so it makes it bearable. My perifrial vision is still buggered a bit but when I see my Opthamologist in March I'll see what "official" progress I've made in that area. My head seems soft on the right side it's really weird and I definately need to bring it up to my Dr the next time. Inbetween where the incision scars are it's as though my head is moist. Sounds gross and doesn't make sense right? lol Well the only way to describe it is gross so bear with me k!? Anyone who has taken a bath or shower and got out without pumicing their feet knows how that dried up calousy bit feels on say your heel, it's that weird texture, ya follow? Well imagine that texture but in a nice patch covering one side of your head, that's how it feels inbetween my incisions. It's a constant moist feeling, not wet and it's not damp but you can feel it's not normal dried scalp, it's really odd and it just won't seem to dry up like your scalp should.

I know it's only been 3 months since my surgery and sometimes it feels like it's been a lot longer so I figure I should be further along in the healing process so this may be normal, but at the same time it may not be so I definately need to speak to my Dr. But really those are my only real issues at the moment which I suppose is a good thing! I have a few appointments next month at McMaster but thankfully I only had the 1 this month!

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