Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cancer SUCKS!

We all know someone that has been touched by Cancer, you may have even been touched by it yourself but whatever the case may be: CANCER SUCKS! As you all know on October 21, 2010 I had a Malignant Tumor removed from my Brain, my surgeons got the whole tumor but not everyone is as lucky and not just with Brain tumors but with other Cancers as well. One of those people would be my friend Tammie whose brother Ricky, at just 25 years old he is losing his one and a half year battle with Colon Cancer, a disease that use to be uncommon in young people is sadly becoming all too common. And then I think of little Molly Campbell from Vancouver Island who just before Christmas this year and at just 28 days old was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and is currently undergoing daily painful chemotherapy. Stories like these not only break my heart but they make me so mad, CANCER SUCKS!!

Back in September I went from a normal day to day routine to finding out I had a cancerous brain tumor, to having major surgery and then being told I no longer have any tumor in me. The last few months have been trying, emotional and even life changing and that's what brings me to this post. When faced with something so serious you do ALOT of thinking, you wonder if you are dieing, you wonder if you've done anything in life that mattered, you wonder why you've wasted all of the years you have on frivulous things but most of all you wonder how things will be different when you come out on the other side. Well I'm about to tell you you how things have changed for me. First of all you all have been so wonderful and supportive of me during this time that I feel blessed beyond words, so thank you. And I now more than ever have a hate-on for Cancer and wondered what I could do that could help someone else that is facing cancer and that brings me to this:

When I was diagnosed and also in early stages of recovery the one thing I did was read and I read anything and everything available to me to find out about cancer and also about what resources were abailable to me from the government and it was hard to find this information. Not to mention the fact that I didn't physically feel up to spending time looking for it anyways but it was just plain hard to track down! So I decided that my way of giving back and paying it forward would be to create a website with multiple cancer resources listed in one place. On the website you can find anything from local cancer centres to government disability programs, to lists ofcancer fighting foods to words of hope. And so for the last few weeks I've been compiling information that I already had and searching out new information that I needed and designed a website that has Cancer Resources listed by Province in addition to many other things. I hope that by placing all of this information in one spot online that it helps someone that is facing cancer and maybe makes their journey a little more bearable.

While the site contains alot of information specific to Canada it also contains other great information as well and has been recieved well already as we've recieved visitors and messages from all around the world. If you can pass this link on I would appreciate it, however my ultimate hope is that one day we won't need resources like this, we need to take out this violent predator that has no regard for human life and we need to find a cure!



for a world without cancer.

You can read an article on Ricky Here.

You can follow Baby Mollys Journey Here.

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