Saturday, September 18, 2010

All the medical info

I've had this blog for a bit and it was usually just my ramblings about life, celebs, etc however I decided to blog about what I am now calling, "My Medical Journey". If you are here at my Blog it's safe to assume you know what is going on in my life Medically at the moment, however I figure that there are many people who have asked what has happened, how I've ended up where I have and are interested in keeping in the loop of my tests/results and the next steps in my journey that I will keep this blog up to date with everything going on. This way it's all in one place for you to read at your convienance and also so I don't blow up facebook or twitter with my constant updates lol If you have any questions about things you all know you can Call me, Text me, Email me, Message me here it's all good.

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