Saturday, September 25, 2010

Surgery so soon, this really sucks!

I went to my Drs Friday morning and the results of the MRI are inconclusive. I was told they can't get a good idea of what they are dealing with other than it's a tumour. So I am on standby to go to Hamilton General (out of town Hospital for those that aren't familiar with the area) to get it removed within the next few days. He said the Surgeon will call me with an immediate appointment for a biopsy and to expect to be admitted right away to get it removed. He said that instead of doing a biopsy one day and coming back another day to remove the tumour that they would probably do the removal and biopsy of the removed tumour in the same shot. He figures that whatever the tumour is (malignant or benign) it needs to be removed due to the fact that it's effecting me physically already and why put myself through anymore potential health issues. So they will just remove it.

My MRI listed the little culprit as a suspected Ganglioglioma. From what I was told and from what I have researched that is a tumour that decided to embed itself in the central nervous system. That's right folks, when I do something I do it well! lol Anyways, I have my Hospital bag packed and ready to go when they call but I'll be honest, I'm not too happy about all of this.

I'm trying to stay positive as is my Hubby and those around me, but today was hard. I knew it was more than likely a tumour and I knew it would have to be removed which again isn't something I'm happy about. BUT, what I wasn't prepared for when I went in this morning was the prospect of undergoing major surgery by Monday Morning. It's a lot to take in within a short amount of time with no real time to prepare, especially emotionally. But we are rolling with the punches. It's an hr to hr state we are living in at the moment and another waiting game. This time it's for the Surgeon to call and tell us when to come.

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