Saturday, September 25, 2010

To let you all know

To clear up any confusion the Drs do have some idea that my tumor could be a Ganglioma which is the reason they want it out A.S.A.P. since Gangliomas attach themselves to the nervous system. If there is any good news to come out of this, according to my research if it is a Ganglioma they are usually Benign, recovery rate is high and the recurrance rate is low.

Have I said yet that I hate waiting? lol


  1. Yay for all of that benign, recurrance, etc. I know the waiting sucks & you just wanna know, but try to keep your mind occupied with other stuff--believe me it makes the hours go faster lol. Keep your head/chin/spirits up. Easier said than done? Watch a marathon of your favorite TV show or movies. ;D Take care!

    - Love, Sylva

  2. The waiting sucks because I was told Friday to have my cell phone on at all times because the Surgeon may even call Friday to have me come in. Well now it's early Monday morning (very early granted lol) and I still haven't heard a thing. My Family Dr say that if I heard nothing by 9am Monday to call him in his office so he can get on it for me. I'm just so frustrated that we have NO definite answers about anything!

    Watching a marathon of my favorite show is a great idea BUT there really is only so much Golden Girls I can really watch ;) I'll try to take it easy, and you too k!?
