Sunday, September 19, 2010

Drs, MRI, Results, oh my!

So it's Sunday and tomorrow I have an appointment with my Dr. I think though he expected my MRI to be done by now and able to review the results with me but I also know he wants me in either weekly or bi-weekly to go over any new symptoms I might be having. Thankfully this week I haven't had any new symptoms and I haven't had a Seizure since Tuesday but there is no rhyme or reason as to when I have them. I can go a week without one and then they come in waves where I will have 6-10 of them within a few days. We don't have a follow up date for my results yet but I will book one tomorrow for sometime this week.

So to sum up what's happening this week for us:

Monday September 20: Drs appointment
Tuesday September 21: MRI
????? September ???: Followup for results.

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