Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hop aboard the Crazy Train!

Here I am sitting at my Laptop, and I'm thinking since this is my first post I really should make it great. It should be fun, energetic, meaningful, spectacular and maybe even life altering! But as I sit back and really think about it, I truly don't have the time, or energy for that matter, to write anything too meaningful at the moment and most definitely not life altering. So I'll stick to a few basics to start.

Why did I start blogging? Well you see, I wanted to own my own little piece of Cyber-Space Real Estate. With the current economic situation going on, it's about the only piece of real estate that I have a chance in Hell of owning. I also like to talk a lot, debate, discuss, pick brains, and did I mention talk a lot? Yeah that's me, I definitely like to talk.

So here I am at like 7pm tinkering away on my Laptop creating this blog in my little slice of Cyber-Space heaven. You might be curious to know what this Blog will consist of, to be completely honest I have no clue.

You see, if I'm surfing online and read a news article that touches me in a good way, or if it pisses me off, I will probably blog about it. If I am out and have my camera on me and capture a beautiful picture, I will probably blog about it. If I have a life altering decision to make, I probably will blog about it. If Angelina Jolie gets pregnant again for like he 20th time, I just might blog about that too.

I have a great fascination with Hollywood, but I think many of us do. It's kind of like an escape from our own reality if only for 15 minutes. But at the same time I am also passionate about real issues. Issues such as Human Rights, Gay Marriage, Equal Rights, Abortion, etc. If it's a Hot Topic I am probably interested!

So who knows what you will stumble across when you take a ride on Tara's Crazy Train. It could be something completely frivolous and entertaining, or if you're lucky it may even be something Life-Altering.


  1. I thurst for knowledge, it's what we all need. Tara - you beauty! Human Rights are also my passion and that is why I dig my heels in over Religious bigotry. Like, why do people consider God has so much to do with the Bible? Was God not invented? Okay, before I get labelled an Atheist, listen up people... God did not inspire men to write the scriptures - men inspired men to write it. When referring to God, the 'His' word... what a joke; that single word tells me there is a pre-conception of a masculine Being out there... it's BS of the first order. The sexual identity of male is power over the feminine. Speaking scientifically, all genders have both male and female genes (or whatever it is) this makes us who and what we are. Why would a creator have anything less? How about ‘God’ as Unconditional Love? Something Christians like to portray as Christ-like, yet cannot live up to? ~skypoetone

  2. SkyPoetOne,

    On the issue of religion,to me it seems that humans have a need to have an ending and they need to be in control of that ending. Sadly for some that desire is so intense that they will attach themselves to a religion that best fills in their heart how they envision their ending to be, and many do so without questioning. And now you've given me an itch to write a blog on religion:)
