Thursday, March 17, 2011

4 months Seizure free

I was just flipping through my appointment/record keeping book and noticed something: I have been Seizure free for 4 months. This is a good thing and the fact that I only had 1 seizure after the surgery is a good thing too. When I met with my Neuro Surgeon he said that seizures after surgery were quite common because things are resettling in your brain so not to panic because I an on anti convulsants, but the fact that I've only had one *knock-on-wood* is great.

I still am on anti-convulsants but I was told that I would be for at least 1 year post surgery at the dose I have been on since pre surgery and at that time they will ween me off if I'm not having seizures. One can hope that eventually one day I will be off of this medication and not need it and quite frankly a year will be here sooner than I can imagine.

One day at a time.


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