Thursday, November 11, 2010

Perm Damage :(

'm back from my Opthamologist appointment and I suppose things could be worse. I knew previously that the surgery had messed up my vision in my right eye and today I was to find out to what extent it did. My Dr said that my double vision should correct itself within the next few months as should the blurryness but that I unfortunately suffered perminant damage in both eyes in regards to my Perifreial vision .He said if there would be any hope for it to correct itself at all it would be within the next few months but he doesn't beleive it will. How this effects me is that I simply would never be able to drive and things such as crossing the street are a little more dangerous but other than that my vision will be fine. It sucks drastically but I'm trying to stay positive and think that it could be a lot worse. I go back and see this Dr in March to do some more tests and see if at that point I've regained any more of my vision, for now I have a droopy right eye due to the nerves not sending my muscles any messages to work! lol But other than that I'm doing a lot better than the Drs have expected me to which is good.


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