Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday, Oct 26 Update for Tara

Hello everyone,

This is Tara, dictating to my hubby, as I'm having many challenges at the moment. As you may have read, when I woke up in recovery, I found out Horatio was not a cyst, but in fact a solid mass. As you can imagine, that's been hard to deal with.
Further to that, aside from my right eye being swollen, my vision is compromised on the right side, due to the mass/extraction/we're not really sure. We'll have to meet with the ophthalmologist to see what's wrong and what can be done.
I was released from hospital the afternoon of Monday, sent home in a lot of pain and frustration to recover here. Frustrated that I don't know how many times people have said "the Cancer Centre will call you." The pathology is back on Thursday, and the surgeon will call us to make an appointment to come in and review those results with him, and then we'll know what the next course of action is at that time.
For now, my course of action is to rest but keep moving, try to rehabilitate the right side of my brain, as it can tolerate, and muddle through. I'm having my moments of a lot of pain, but I think it's from trying to adjust from a stable hospital bed to a flimsy home bed. I'm looking into purchasing or renting a medical bed from a specialty store. If anyone knows where I can get one that has rails cheaply, please let me know. I need the rails, because, since being on this medication I've been having hallucinations; I tried to escape my room in a panic (lol), and I would feel safer having rails to keep me in check.
I'm on Percocets for pain right now, which seem to have their moments of working or not, but I think that's due to the pressure being put on my head because I don't have the proper support from a bed.
I'm taking each minute as it comes and trying to muddle through. I appreciate all the support everyone has given. When I can get my hubby to take a picture, you'll
see the unveiling of the post-op Tara. "Lol, I look like the Chide of Brucky!" -- Direct quote! (Means Bride of Chucky - she made me explain)
For now, I'm trying to rest, get through the pain and hallucinations. But at least I was visited tonight by two dancing mice and a Transformer who pulled down his pants. Whatcha gonna do?
Because of my vision issue at the moment, I won't be online at all, but I will either dictate a blog post to my hubby, or have him post something for me on his own every once in a while, to keep you informed of what's going on. Or, hey, you could always call or visit me, that would be nice!

-This is Feral (the aforementioned hubby). Just as a point of order, all blatant teasing inserted is probably readily visible, and is meant with love. Thank you all on my behalf for your continued support during this difficult time.


  1. Aw, Tara, big HUG for you! I've been thinking about you lots, and will continue to pray for a good recovery for you.
    Amidst all of this, you made me LOL literally with this entry! I hope the Transformer flasher comes back to visit you again!
    Take care!

  2. Aw, Sweetheart, I wish I were there to bring you big steamy pots of homemade chicken soup (it cures everything, right? :-), but it also appears to me that you are in very good hands with your hubby. It's a blessing to have such a good man in your life, isn't it? (I can just imagine Feral reading this to you..:-)

    You are in my prayers every night and I'm sure others are praying also..you are well loved, my Dear!

    Take good care, Tara, and try not to stress...healing takes its own sweet time...we'll be waiting here for you when you get back. As for Percocets...I was on them after surgery many years ago and they're so niiiiice...no mice or Transformers stripping..which leads me to think you lead quite the imaginary life! Lol!

    Blessings to you both...
    (aka Lynn49)
