Saturday, September 18, 2010

How it all started

For those of you who are interested in knowing how I ended up where I am today with a mass on my brain, read on.

About 5-6 weeks ago I was laying in bed just waking up and I experienced what only can be described as a "Deja Vu" experience. I was recalling things that happened the previous day and as that was happening I started to smell a very chemical like smell that felt like it was stuck in my nostrils. Wondering what the heck was happening I than started feeling what felt like a hot liquid moving around in the right side of my chest. It seemed very odd and passed within a matter of about 30 seconds, and while I was disturbed by what happened I didn't think much of it.

The next day I was out with my Mom to wheel her around to her Appointments and the same episodes happened 2 times while at her Hairdressers and 1 time while shopping so I called my Husband and tried to explain what was going on and he said it sounds Neurological. When I came home I decided to consult my good ole friends at and also just started searching my symptoms on the Internet and what I was experiencing seemed to narrow down to Seizures/Epilepsy or something going off in my brain and of course I start to panic so I decided to call TeleHealth. They informed me to see a DR within 3 hrs or immediately if I have another episode or they get worse. Well I ended up having another one but going to Prompt Care instead of the ER.
I'll skip the long story of my Prompt Care experience but I will say that I left there feeling crazy like everything was in my head. The Dr there essentially told me there is nothing he could do for me and sent me on my way.

My Prompt Care experience was on a Saturday night and on that Monday morning I went to my Dr who ordered an EEG and a CatScan. My CatScan showed a Mass on my Front Right Temporal Lobe that measures 5.4cm x 4.5cm which is a bit bigger than a Golf Ball. My Dr said that I would need an MRI to determine exactly what the mass is but whatever it is does need to come out. Once the results are back from the MRI I will meet with a NeuroSurgeon to discuss the next step. And my "episodes" have indeed been Seizures. They are actually "Silent Seizures" due to the mass on my brain, now my Seizures haven't manifested themselves Physically thankfully and seem to be more sensory but they are still frightening all the same.

I have an MRI scheduled for Tuesday September 21 in St.Catharines and I'm going crazy waiting for the appointment. My Dr has said that because my Seizures are becoming more frequent and more intense that I am not allowed to be alone, I'm not suppose to Climb anything and I can't have any Alcohol as it will only make the Seizures worse. So I suppose as long as I don't wander off alone and climb a tree with a bottle of Tequila I should be ok:)

I will update this blog when I get my results. Here's hoping for the best.

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