Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hop aboard the Crazy Train!

Here I am sitting at my Laptop, and I'm thinking since this is my first post I really should make it great. It should be fun, energetic, meaningful, spectacular and maybe even life altering! But as I sit back and really think about it, I truly don't have the time, or energy for that matter, to write anything too meaningful at the moment and most definitely not life altering. So I'll stick to a few basics to start.

Why did I start blogging? Well you see, I wanted to own my own little piece of Cyber-Space Real Estate. With the current economic situation going on, it's about the only piece of real estate that I have a chance in Hell of owning. I also like to talk a lot, debate, discuss, pick brains, and did I mention talk a lot? Yeah that's me, I definitely like to talk.

So here I am at like 7pm tinkering away on my Laptop creating this blog in my little slice of Cyber-Space heaven. You might be curious to know what this Blog will consist of, to be completely honest I have no clue.

You see, if I'm surfing online and read a news article that touches me in a good way, or if it pisses me off, I will probably blog about it. If I am out and have my camera on me and capture a beautiful picture, I will probably blog about it. If I have a life altering decision to make, I probably will blog about it. If Angelina Jolie gets pregnant again for like he 20th time, I just might blog about that too.

I have a great fascination with Hollywood, but I think many of us do. It's kind of like an escape from our own reality if only for 15 minutes. But at the same time I am also passionate about real issues. Issues such as Human Rights, Gay Marriage, Equal Rights, Abortion, etc. If it's a Hot Topic I am probably interested!

So who knows what you will stumble across when you take a ride on Tara's Crazy Train. It could be something completely frivolous and entertaining, or if you're lucky it may even be something Life-Altering.